Early Years Framework

What your child will be working towards at Rose Tree Day Nursey

Here at Rose Tree Day Nursery we follow the Early Years Framework Stages. This is a framework which identifies key areas for providers to set out within nursery to help your child to learn and develop. Law and legislation provide frameworks which help providers like us keep your child safe and let them flourish in a nurturing environment. At Rose Tree, we aim to support your child through their early years learning so as they are ready for their big next transition-school.

You can expect your child to be working on the following areas;

Physical Development

Your child will have the opportunities to use soft play, outdoor play space and structured physical activity to develop their physical skills. They will be encouraged to practice their balance and co-ordination, use equipment, manipulate and control objects and develop self care.

Communication & Language

The child will build on their innate development by learning new skills for communication and language by being given opportunities within the nursery.

Literacy Skills

Your child will be encouraged to partake in literacy sessions, this includes reading and writing, recognising letters and numbers, acting out stories, singing songs and listening to others.


Your child will familiarise with numbers, they will learn to use shapes, understand space and measuring. They will familiarise with shapes, measuring, time and puzzles.

Expressive Arts & Design

Your child will use crafting and different materials, they will be encouraged to be imaginative. Messy play, making music and sounds, and dancing are some activities that can be expected to support this principle

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Your child will be allocated a key worker who will be their person and their consistent adult at Rose Tree. Your child will be encouraged to socialise with others, do things for themselves, learn about emotions, recognise rules and learn about their bodies.

Understanding the World

Your child will learn to understand people and communities from around the world, introducing them to diversity, lifecycles, science, nature, relationships and technology.